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By Jared Oundo

My son, I will be very raw and sincere with you. Do not worry about the size of a woman buttock or breast but worry about the size of her heart and brain. Worry about the size of her love and endurance. Because after 5 or 10 years, it will not be about the breast or buttock. As you can see, your mum now has a flat chest and almost flat buttock but we still live together happily, I still love her and she still love me. Be careful of a woman that loves money. I mean the woman that talks ‘every time’ about her hair, cloths, shoes, bags panties and make-ups. Marriage is not all about these things. Without make-up, cloths, shoes and panties a good marriage will still stand but without love, no marriage can stand.

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When I got married to your mum, I didn’t have a car or house of my own. I was not even educated. But I had dreams and she appreciate and support me. Any woman that does not support your dream is not worth thinking-a- minute about. There are women that will see your dreams better than you, you are lucky if you find one. My son, open your ears very well, there is a kind of woman you should avoid, do not make a mistake to marry this kind of woman or you will regret it. I mean a woman that always has bad things to say about everyone. If you see this kind of woman, run away. One of the worst kind of woman you can marry is the one that complains about everything. If you buy this, she says you should have bought that, if you do this, she said you should have done that.


Please stay away! Most women enjoy talking but the one who talks for two hours and listen for two minutes is a potential ‘bomb’. Be wise. Be very careful of a pretending partner. A pretending woman is not hard to know. She will always know everything about everything, she will be careful. Just close your eyes and open your heart and you will see! No woman is perfect. If you see a woman who believes in your dream, who respects you who is committed and who is not all about herself alone then don’t let her go. But remember, you must not be a wayward man. I have trained you! If you find a good woman but you are a bad man, you won’t have a good marriage! I won’t pick a wife for you but I have given you my advice. When you find her, bring her for my blessings. May you find a woman that will increase you not decrease you.


Jared Oundo

Jared Oundo

Jared Oluoch Oundo, Econ. MU, MEC, is the best-selling author of the famous Chemistry of Success as well as other titles such as Fertilize Your Dreams, Awakening the Academic Giant, Position Yourself for Excellence among others. Jared Oundo is a gifted business counselor, consultant, trainer, excellence crusader and Communication & Public Relations strategist. Over the years Jared has diligently dedicated his life in helping people realize their purpose in life through various mentorship programs. Jared also serves as an adviser to various executives. It is worth noting too that Jared is pious minister and a good governance advocate. He serves as one of the editors and Researchers for this publication. Jared Oundo is also the Editor-In-Chief of various publications owned by different companies.

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